You are here: Purchasing > Purchase Invoices > Defining Purchase Invoices > Totals


Where Invoice Total is more than the Delivered Total it displays in blue. Where its less, it displays in red.

Field Description
Ex Amt Freight, Duty and Insurance charges being added to the form but do not change the stock unit price. Enter in either the Ex or Inc amount. These fields are disabled for FX suppliers
Tax Rate Default rate from Tax Maintenance > Acquisitions tab
Tax Amount Calculated amount
Inc Amount Inclusive tax amount
Sub Total Gross total being received in, including the Non Inventory tab
Tax Total GST/VAT to be charged
Tax Adjustment This field can be used for small adjustments both positive and negative to ensure the Invoice Total agrees with the creditors invoice. The posting for this field uses the ledger account attached to the System Configuration setting in Purchase Invoicing > TaxRoundingAccount
Total Tax The total of Tax + Tax Adjustment
Delivered Total The total from the receival slip
Invoice Total Total Inclusive value, including total freight etc + Non Inventory tab

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